Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Difference of Opinions

Here is the painting I did for the Skulls show at the Cactus Gallery. Its scratch board, acrylic, and gouche on wood. And did I mention it SOLD?!?!? (See the red dot? I got a red dot!) Yay! Thanks to the wonderful awesome people that bought it! And the equally wonderful people that came out that night to support! And a great big special thanks to Cactus!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tasty Time With ZeFronk Premiere!

Playhouse Disney will be premiering this new series of cartoon shorts Saturday, November 8th at 6:25am. I dont expect most people will be up this early on a Saturday morning, but maybe if you are up after a long night of partying or you can DVR it, or if you are like me and are slow on the uptake of the future can video tape it.
Anyways, the show is about a French Wiener Dog who's cooking show teaches kids about healthy eating, He's got a little bird assistant sous chef, Sue and a neighbor cat, Dom, who is always trying to sneak his snacks.
The show is super cute and also features the very awesome voices of Rob Paulsen (best known as Yakko & Pinky from Animanics, Raphael from TMNT, the list goes on and on and on) and Mark Hamill (yes, THE Mark Hamill, who is an amazing voice actor).
So find out how to make Ze Tomato Surprise (cause you will be surprised) and check out some of my animation!!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cactus Gallery

I have a painting for a Day of the Dead show at the Cactus Gallery in Eagle Rock, CA. The artist reception is on the 25th of October! A couple of my very talented friends have work there as well, Daisy Church, Damon O'Keefe, Kirk Millett and Ashley Fisher! Come and celebrate!

Cactu​s Galle​ry,​ Eagle​ Rock,​ CA
4534 Eagle​ Rock Blvd,​ Eagle​ Rock,​ CA 90041​

Show dates​ :: Octob​er 11 - Novem​ber 6, 2008

Artis​t Recep​tion :: Satur​day,​ Octob​er 25, 2008 :: 7pm-​10pm :: DJ Soul Junki​e

http:​/​/​www.​ eclec​ticca​ctus.​ com
http:​/​/​www.​ myspa​ce.​ com/​cactu​sgall​ery
http:​/​/​www.​ etsy.​ com/​shop.​ php?​user_​id=​79481​